Friday, October 29, 2010

loved and blessed

may peace be upon US

wokay, so this is a way overdue-d post...

10.10.10 ; I only had 2 hrs of sleep- thanks to the blabbering Aisyah(whom left me alone for lalaland at 4++am), the nap-should-be-about-20minutes-only-and-what-not-lecture from Liyanna(who wakes up around 4++am) and the unfortunate thing that happened to Salwa's stomach and health(at frigging 5++am!!!) and the bloody taxi that came after almost 1 and a half hr (almost 7am by then). Inspite of all the kecoh-ness, all in all, it was a real good fun to have a short getaway from home and be surronded with friends and our powerful secondary days memories to reminisce into. Thanks papa, for letting me go. (:

Of course, I do not need to tell you, my heartfelt thanks to them (Liyanna, Aisyah, Salwa, Zammir, Raihan and Fhaz) for their effort and goodwill. FYI, Zammir, we played yur domino game till I-don't-know-what-time. HAHA

Muchhh Lurrrrveeee (:

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