Monday, April 25, 2011


may peace be upon you....

If I were to follow my heart,

I want to just sit and cry for all the stupid things I did

And give up,

Just so I don't do any of it again...

Then I think of those who had wept with me.

Is it really fair for them if I took the easy way out?

Life is too short.. but not short enough for changes.

High time I do some error correction...

Papa reminded me; "Allah won't test his servants unless HE knows they can bear it". So if its true that Allah won't test his servants with a burden that they can't handle, please ease this burden and let it be manageable for me, for us, ya Allah. If this burden comes because it is because of my own wrongdoing, then let the ones I love at least be forgiven for what I did even when their hearts hates me for it..astaghfirullahal'azim.

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