Wednesday, November 10, 2010

my pri.5 best friend

May peace be upon you.

All the things stated here are subjected to change for people change. This is what I know now and some of them I have only just found out, so Aisyah, this one for you

Let me tell you 10 things abt my bestfriend. ;

10. 10 years ago; We were 10 years old - We were so young; Today she's 20. may all the happiness be with you! :D

9. Our interests don't always overlap one another-She's the one who has been into make-up, pink, fashion and girly side when I first know her. We used to be like total opposites; short-tall, pink-blue, girlish-boyish. When I say total opposites, its total opposite.

8. Now I think we have both neutralised each other. (Missing someone can make you do the things that they used to do in front or with you ykno?) We are both DramaQueens now. Ta-da! Specializes in our own stream(: Berdiri pon da nak samer tinggi. (noooooo!!)

7. There has been a lot of fights. Almost break-up fights, cry-buckets-for-days fights, dont-wish-to-talk-to-you kinda fights... erm, etc? No, we don't do cat-fight unless its associated with pillow and FUN and our prime target liyanna..

6. Most times she likes to listen. She shares stuff but there are specifics.

5. She's afraid of ykno....*CHAK CHAK CHAK*.I've never seen her run scared before though. Maybe one day ah :D

4. She visits the library often these days. LIKE OMG! She used to tease me a lot for being a bookworm! Who's the nerd now? ;p haha

3. She likes to experiment her looks especially her hair.(perm, straighten, changed hair partition, dyed, name it- she did it)

2. Some of our circle of friends are the same but we each have other friends we could rely on when we got sick of each other. thank God!! CHEY!! HAHAH

1. I don't know what else to say except that I love her very much because and despite of all this. And I wish for her everything that I could ever wish for my own siblings.

Okay, yu may strangle me when we meet but please dont choke me I need my voice. Hwahwahwahwah.k, im not crying/bye.

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