Wednesday, September 29, 2010


May peace be upon you.

The class that I've been looking forward to all of this month has been postponed to the 23rd of OCtober. which is like soooo longggg ): i tak sanggup! There's a malay saying, "kalau tunggu lama2, nanti diambil orang" but in my case its a 'thing' uh hahaha; So if you wait too long for something, there's a chance it won't happen.

So bummed. =/

I have been receiving a few offers lately. I have been hearing advices that goes something like this: Go with what you are passionate in, what's your interest?Frankly, to answer that, I like a lot of things but what I'm passionate about might be to learn something new and be good at it. What is the It? is the real brainwrecker. So I guess I really have to perform Istiharah for help. With the schedule/routine I have now, I'm too happy to stress myself in doing that.. =/ bad huh. Today is the first time, I made my PY1B laugh at me as a whole. Even though the joke's on me, it feels good to hear them laugh. In a month's time, I might not even be among them at all.

Friday, September 24, 2010

a necessary but painful goodbye

may peace be upon you.
painful yet pretty
its a knife-deep feeling
but so wonderful to see
to see you taking your first steps
hear you asking whats next
maybe i just need time to savour this grip
maybe i'll feel better after a kiss
i figured i'll be emotional about this
i dint know it'll be this hard
so i tell myself be patient
to see you off with a cheery wave
for i know i'll have to let you go
someday, you'll have to find your own way.
turn your head around and see
remember me and the things we did sometime
for as sure as your feet would bring
thats how full my heart will brim
these tears i shed behind
of missing you and the joy you gave.
said your goodbye and thank yous.
well i'm here because of you.

hugsandkisses for my K1s and 2.

My dearest buggerits, through all the months we've been through, watching each of you coming out of your shell; even as I write this down, I can see some of your faces in my head. I'll miss you.

Just have to remember;
1) We belong to Allah s.w.t.
2) When we love, we are learning to share; and sharing is caring.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

i can be your playmate

May peace be upon you.

I'll remember this day: 23/09/2010

I'm looking for a friend to-day

Will you be my friend and play?

Have a little talk with meeeee-ee.

Build a tower, 1! 2! 3!

Clap our hands, heel and toe!

Join our hands and round we go~

Wave goodbye and thats the end.

Time to find another friend ~

If you asked, was the class messy during the song. It was. Did they run around? Well, some did. Did they have fun? I think they did. So it was fun. like really. I wished I had done this sooner.

I think I'll miss them like crazy. But they'll have to go someday.

Friday, September 10, 2010


May peace be upon you

Lampu lap lip berkilauan
Baju pon wow! kalah mak pengantin
Kalau betul nak bermaaf-maafan
Datanglah rumah, muka tunjukkan

Salam Aidilfitri semua!
Its the official night for Syawal 1431 Masihi! (Raya Aidilfitri 2010)
back to last-minute house-cleaning. T.t

Thursday, September 9, 2010

wishy washy

May peace be upon you.

The best gift, though, would be a full minute of your precious, busy time, to say a prayer for me wishing me forgiveness from Allah, thinking about my best of health, longevity, happiness and everything nice. You see, I know you are all very busy people, but it'll be really grand, if you could dedicate this day, even if its a minute of it to remember me and wish me well even if I don't know it. You have my advance thanks and jazakAllah, may Allah reward you with goodness.

1 month to 2-0.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


May peace be upon you (:

"Light-Bulb." (:

Saturday, September 4, 2010

cookies for raya(:

May peace be upon us... Mum is busy making Swiss Rolls (kek gulung) in the kitchen now. Thus, the "stress period" has officially starts, not just for her but all of us.

Just in case some of you are interested in the kind of swiss rolls my mum took orders for, below are snapshots of them with price(s);