Tuesday, August 17, 2010

how i fell in love with the most unlikely

may peace be upon you.

This is based on my true story.

There is a boy in my class. He joined us in the middle of the school term. By then, all of us are friends with each other (well, sort of). Mummy told me we should be kind to the new kids because they might feel scared on their first day. But we were all so very excited to meet him, we can't wait to tell him everything; what he should and should not do. On his first day, he came with his grandma and mom. They look very friendly yet wary of us at the same time.

I was wary of them too. Especially because, I know the class don't like me so much sometimes. So I wanted him to be my friend.

Our chinese 老師, told me to watch out for him because his English was not so good. I said, "Of course, alright".

I watched him as the days passed. He disgusts me now. He does not smile. He picks his nose, drool on his book and used his finger to erase his letters instead of calling for erasers. And he smells! Sometimes he will start to cry. When he cries, he makes such a lot of noise and starts jibbering in chinese (which I can't understand!).

That's not even the worst part. The worst part of it is that when he gets very upset he wants to go home! He will really, really, really, literally run away from our classroom or dining room or music room and head the door. Even then, he did not stop there! He will go out and run to the direction of his home until I grabbed him and pulled him back. It is very exhausting.

He is in our class for a month now. I watch him play with the other kids. I realised when he get really upset and confused over why he was being scolded or beaten by his classmates, will he then throw his tantrums and run away. Also, he smelled really bad before because the air-con was spoiled and he was sweating. I forgot all of us were smelly too.

I like him again now although he is still very stubborn. His staggering chinese is audible now and even though I don't speak fluent chinese I could guess the basic things he is trying to say by his body language. Sometimes I would hear him laugh. He has such a happy laugh, its hard not to laugh along. and his smile, he has a very nice smile. I think he is learning to understand.

The best thing happened just a few hours ago. He was on his motorbike. The one you sit and just press a lever near the foothold with your feet to move. I guess his motorbike is broken or something because his grandma was there pulling on his motorbike with a rope to help it move.

And just when I thought he would pretend to not recognise me or didn't even recognise me (like he did before), he called out to me infront of his grandma and greeted me with a smile,

"Teacher Naya!"

SubhanAllah (': Wallahualam bissawab.

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