Saturday, January 25, 2014


May peace be upon you....

Following the road accident I faced a week ago... my dear sisters have been tormenting me with remarks of how ugly/scary my knee looks like... (NOOOO!!!!) I'm happy to say the colour on my bruised knee is turning redder (thats good right?) and although the past few days I've been doing my 'solat' in sitting position, atleast I can bend and straighten my knee more often and free-willingly now.. Alhamdulilah. It was a pain the first few days and my leg get shaky if I stayed up too long now. Talk about falling under staircase (malay proverbs- dah jatuh ditimpa tangga). Well, the picture below shows the colours thats been playing on my knee these days. Rofl, OF COURSE ITS NOT DRAWN TO SCALE!! HAHA

The wound you see, isnt a part of me that hurts the most. :): Lucky me..
Allah knows best...

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