Friday, October 29, 2010

loved and blessed

may peace be upon US

wokay, so this is a way overdue-d post...

10.10.10 ; I only had 2 hrs of sleep- thanks to the blabbering Aisyah(whom left me alone for lalaland at 4++am), the nap-should-be-about-20minutes-only-and-what-not-lecture from Liyanna(who wakes up around 4++am) and the unfortunate thing that happened to Salwa's stomach and health(at frigging 5++am!!!) and the bloody taxi that came after almost 1 and a half hr (almost 7am by then). Inspite of all the kecoh-ness, all in all, it was a real good fun to have a short getaway from home and be surronded with friends and our powerful secondary days memories to reminisce into. Thanks papa, for letting me go. (:

Of course, I do not need to tell you, my heartfelt thanks to them (Liyanna, Aisyah, Salwa, Zammir, Raihan and Fhaz) for their effort and goodwill. FYI, Zammir, we played yur domino game till I-don't-know-what-time. HAHA

Muchhh Lurrrrveeee (:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


may peace be upon you

I can't exactly remember whether its the Thursday or Friday's lesson. Anyway, on that day, they were drawing sketches of raw and hard-boiled chicken egg with the shells on and after both eggs are cut open or peeled off respectively (a before/after sketch thingy). At the end of the session, they were each allowed to peel a hard-boiled quail egg and eat it in class.

"Teacher Na-dyaaa,... very nice." Agnes said.

"I know Teacher very nice!!"

"Noooo... Teacherrr, the egg is very nice."

Can't help it but smile, ey? (:

Sunday, October 10, 2010

insecure at ten, sheltered at twenty

May peace be upon us.

From the eve of my birthday to the end of my birthday itself, I felt sheltered, taken cared of and loved. Its the little things, still. Although, I must admit there was a point of time in the past where I'm always unsatisfied. This time, I'm just glad those who mattered to me remembered.. So Thanks, so very much (:

Anyhoos, on the official day I turned 20 falls on a Saturday which is very, very, very rare (whose isnt?) HAHA. A certain person told me to dress up and wear someth "grand" then he brought me to the zoo. You can guess my reaction. Let's just say I'm very glad I was adamant enough to change my shoes before going off. ;p

The funny thing is wearing a dress still made me do some crazy stunts, like climbing a giant-tortoise statue, waving my arms at random while trying to decide a pose for a picture and holding a cut-out chinese ghost hand poster, which awarded me some out-loud comments from a variety (of age/gender) passerbys (tourists/visitors) and curious looks. (takpe yer. biasaaa)

Hmmmm, still!, i like the zoo-hat! Dora-the-explorer ganjue. ;D

maybe growing up means to learn from our past, appreciating what we had, what was taken and be thankful of what we have.

Wallahu a'lam bisawab.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

the back-up plan

may peace be upon you.

I'm only 20 not 21. Birthdays come with a lot of things and one of them is "Being expected to be someone whom sometimes you yourself aren't ready to be".

My 20 (well, almost) years of plan was to to see the world (or atleast go out and travel alone or with a good friend) before settling down to reality and adulthood. I wanted to put aside worries of joblessness and the feeling of being useless and ingrate for a little while and cherish the freedom of completing my diploma, a baby-step-study-stop sure, but still ?

I just wanted a break from school, work, interviews and the "Hey, what are you doing now?" thingys. Its depressing. Weird, they say you'll only get depressing birthdays when you're 40 and experiencing menopause or 'transitions of life'. I'm 20 years early. whoa. hurrah for me.

Time for a back-up plan.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

moments like these

may peace be upon you

thanks to Nazura, Raini and their cousin (Darwish's mum); I get to meet Darwish. With all my adik sedares growing up, I guess I'll just look forward to my anak sedares now (and others' anak sedares. So cute can?=o )

my thanks again to the photographer of the day (now her album is flooded with urmhmmme-.-) but this is such an endearing moment. he chose not to feed me though! -.-

Saturday, October 2, 2010

one of those "my mum" moments

peace be upon you

my mummy: "Beli kitchen untuk Nial! Beli kitchen!"

me: "kitchen, kitchen, keychain!"


Friday, October 1, 2010

second raya with love

May peace be upon you.

After a year of not raya-ing together, the secondary school sisters went for it on the 25th Sept 2010!

Only went for three houses, but what-the-helmet, the company and the quality time spent matters more (: Along with "penyeri" event: Aisyah's sister, mom and nephew -Aniq and the performers of the Gek Poh Community Center.

The more the merrier, of course, the ones who made the event possible and plausible: Salwa, Zammir, Raihan, Fhaz and the inspiring: Ismail Haron! xD

Its good ^^

(still missing a person. is this gonna be permanent?)